We're Here for You

研究生和在线学习办公室将帮助你找到机会来抵消你的教育成本, including:

Seton Hill Support

Online Bachelor's & Certificate Program Tuition Discount ProgramTuition Discount Program Graphic

  • Program Basic Rate: 38% discount from the traditional day-time rate.
  • Employer Partnership Discount:受雇于西顿希尔大学的学生 Employer Discount Partners may qualify for an additional special tuition reduction
  • Nonprofit Discount受雇于非营利机构的学生可能有资格获得额外的奖学金 special tuition reduction.
  • Special tuition discounts for 2-year degree holders from specific partner schools are available. Email us at gadmit@meigouexpress.com for more information.



Parent Pathways Scholarship

宾夕法尼亚州教育部授予西顿希尔大学家长路径补助金,允许我们为已经成为父母的新生提供一次性奖学金. Learn more here.

Transfer Scholarships
  • $1,000 - $4,000 全日制(12学分以上)在线学士学位和证书课程的学生Scholarships graphic
$500 - $2,000 全日制(6-11学分)在线学士学位和证书课程学生

If you are 从其他学院或大学转学分 these scholarships are for you. 奖学金以成绩为基础:我们会审查你的成绩单和GPA/QPA来确定奖学金金额.

New Adult Student Scholarship
  • $2,000 高中毕业至少4年,大学经验最少的学生(少于6学分). Half-time and full-time students are eligible.

Postbaccalaureate Scholarship
  • 已经获得学士学位并正在攻读第二个学士学位的学生可以获得奖学金,以减少费用. 

大多数在线学士学位和证书课程奖学金可以每年续签,如果你在澳门金沙博彩娱乐平台保持良好的学术地位. Tuition discounts and scholarships are not stackable. If you are eligible for both, 研究生和在线学习办公室的项目顾问可以帮助你确定哪个是最适合你的选择.

Credit for Life Experience & Work or Military Training

澳门金沙博彩娱乐平台为未来的学生提供了一个通过生活经验获得知识的机会,最多可获得30个学分, including on-the-job training. Find out more here.

Seton Hill University is a Military Friendly SchoolMilitary Benefits

西顿希尔是一所军事友好学校,参与了新后9/11 GI法案® and the Yellow Ribbon Program. More detailed information can be found on the Military Benefits page.

Payment Plan

Seton Hill offers a convenient monthly payment plan.

Employer Reimbursement Program & Tuition Deferment Program

西顿希尔了解到,许多在线学生都在校外工作,他们有资格通过雇主获得某种形式的学费报销. Contact Student Accounts 或研究生和在线学习办公室了解更多关于雇主折扣的信息, Employer Reimbursement and Tuition Deferment.


Unlike loans, grants do not need to be repaid.

Federal Pell Grant

由联邦政府颁发给全日制和非全日制本科生 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Enrollment status will change your Pell Grant.

PHEAA State Grants

宾夕法尼亚州的全日制或非全日制学生(一学期至少6个学分),并且有宾夕法尼亚州高等教育援助机构(PHEAA)确定的需要的宾夕法尼亚州居民有资格获得该机构的奖励. 助学金是颁发给那些在学业上取得进步,并显示出经济需求的学生 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)(5月1日前提交),以及PHEAA确定的居住身份.

Grants From Other States

If you reside in a reciprocal state, 你可能有资格获得州助学金,并能把你的助学金带到宾夕法尼亚州. The amounts may vary. 请联系您所在州的机构,了解以下申请程序和截止日期:DE, MA, OH, VT, WV, and DC.


Unlike other forms of aid, loans must be repaid.

Subsidized Federal Direct Stafford Loan

Federal loan administered by the U.S. Department of Education. 这项贷款是免息的,只要学生在学校学习至少一半时间. Full repayment can be spread over 10 years. 申请,被称为主本票(MPN),可以在网上填写 studentaid.gov.

Unsubsidized Federal Direct Stafford Loan

Federal loan opportunity for independent borrowers, 以及那些没有资格获得补贴斯塔福德计划下的全部联邦利息补贴或其父母被拒绝PLUS贷款的受抚养借款人. 贴息贷款和无贴息贷款合计不得超过年度贷款限额. 在学生入学期间,这笔贷款不是无息的. 然而,学生可以选择在毕业后将利息支付资本化. To obtain current interest rates go to studentaid.gov.

Alternative Loan Options

这项贷款是为学生支付其他经济援助资源无法支付的大学费用. 财政援助办公室强烈建议在寻找替代贷款之前用尽其他贷款选择,因为它们不受联邦直接贷款法规的约束.  Interest rates, fees, 贷款金额取决于你的信用评分,大多数学生都需要有一个担保人才能获得资格.  一旦你考虑了联邦贷款的选择,你可以去 www.elmselect.com. 这将为您提供6个以上贷方的一般信息的并排比较.  该信息不是针对每个借款人定制的,但您将能够收集一般信息,例如他们的利率范围.

Private Scholarships

私人奖学金是另一种资助大学教育的好方法 FinAid can help you start your search.

How to Apply for Aid as an Online Bachelor's Degree & Certificate Program Student

Griffin Holding Seton Hill FAFSA Code 003362澳门金沙博彩娱乐平台,财政援助申请过程很简单!  Simply file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) as early as possible, 并将Seton Hill作为结果的接受者(联邦学校id #003362). 一旦我们得到你的FAFSA信息,我们将开始确保所有类型的援助提供给你的过程. (你不需要准备好所有的入学文件来提交FAFSA.) 一旦你被录取并确认了进入西顿希尔大学的意向我们就会确定你的助学金.

To contact the Office of Graduate and Online Studies about online bachelor's degrees and certificates, please fill out our Inquiry Form. 您也可以致电(724)838-4208或发送电子邮件至 gadmit@meigouexpress.com.